1:1 Mentorship for the female online coach or service provider who is ALL IN on building her dream business that creates a huge impact and blows up her income by doing what sets her soul on fire!


It's always been your dream to have a wildly impactful coaching business, and it finally happening for you! But as time goes by it's starting to feel like a chore… 


  • Not getting consistent clients through the door or the clients you do have aren't aligned with your vision despite the fact you feel like you've tried all the ‘classic’ marketing tactics & inauthentic content strategiesYou are ready to find the perfect strategy for you


  • You are still trading time for money with endless client check-ins and calls which is draining you dry and doesn't feel sustainable… You dream of building a profitable business without working 24/7 and burning yourself out daily


  • You find yourself second-guessing your service and comparing yourself to others… You are ready to let go of letting limiting beliefs hold you back, so you can show up unapologetically for your biz


  • You are a self-confessed workaholic, finding yourself over-serving and people-pleasing which has led to burnout… You're ready to find a way to serve more clients without scarifying your limited energy so you can rekindle your love for your business

That'd be a total DREAM, right?

The coaching industry is FULL of 'gurus' and business coaches telling you what to sell, how to post, and even dictating to you how much you have to earn…
(10k months are the new meal plans 🤮)
That’s NOT your vibe.
It's never just been about money for you.
For soul-led coaches like us, that's not the ultimate version of success.
I KNOW you are ready for more in your business...

More impact, more choice as well as skyrocketing your income in a way that feels good! Knowing you are making a difference in the world. 

I know what it's like to crave this, to want more from your business but feel stuck on how to actually make it happen...

Queen, I have BEEN THERE.

Overwhelmed. Unsure of myself and my business ideas. 

Feeling alone, feeling let down by experts and industry leaders. 

I wish I had somebody in my corner who believed in me enough to show me how to grow authentically and soulfully, without the heartache I faced for the first 7 years of coaching.

This is why I now feel so passionate about helping other coaches thrive online!!

What if you could...

🎉 Create a BIG, beautiful, and meaningful impact on the world while still hitting 6-figures?

🎉 Have a business that sets your soul on fire without needing to press DND because you are working with DREAM clients?

🎉 Had a work schedule that doesn't drain you because you had the tools and guidance to break out of old routines

I'm here to help make that all happen for you! Building a successful and empowering business is possible for YOU!

Ready to fall madly in love with your own business?



Are you new here? 

Hi hey hello!

I'm JoJo.

Business Coach + Mindset Mentor helping queens build a soulful + sustainable business they're totally in love with.

I show you how to feel inspired AF to attract your dream clients, build offers that set your soul on fire, and SHOUT your message to your dream audience to grow your biz without sacrificing integrity, income, or impact.

You get to have it ALL.


I spent the first 5 years of my business limiting my own growth because I didn’t feel worthy enough.

I didn’t believe in my own power, potential, and purpose…  despite transforming hundreds of queens’ lives daily.

You are out there doing your thing, girl. You transform lives!

You deserve to stand out in this industry.

Girls ask why I don’t take on coaches in my own business…

It’s because my mission is to help you grow YOUR business, not mine.

You don’t have to be yet another number in some guru’s automated, money-driven mentorship programme.


We build YOUR business, on YOUR terms

With the best tools and strategies and the highest level of support, from somebody who genuinely gives a FUDGE about you.

Say no more, I'M READY!

Private 1-1 Mentorship

I get to be your biz bestie.


We get to work together to make magic in your business.


  • Daily support from me inside WhatsApp to go deeper on the daily questions + bright ideas in your biz, along with reviews of assets, sales pages and content so you're confident in every area of your business and marketing!


  • Fortnightly Power Calls to go deep on the mindset work required to grow your biz, unpick the strategies that feel right for you to attract your dream clients, and launch all the offers, programmes, and content to help you make a BIG FAT IMPACT in your world.


  • Backstage Pass to every single workshop, masterclass and course inside my Product Vault.


  • 3 + 6 month 1:1 Mentorship package (extended/custom payment plans available)
Not sure which option is best for you? Let's chat about it...
Slide into my DMs

Here's what my mentorship queens are saying...

Are you ready to focus on growing your business YOUR way?

Breathe. Pause. Let me help.

Fill in your application form or fire me a message boo. Let’s make sure we're soulmates.


It's time to... 

Get organised AF

Making your business-week work for you by adding structure and accountability to your schedule

STOP productively procrastinating (I see you gal), and pour focus into the areas of your business that need your attention

Restructuring your offers, services, and resources to keep growing your biz instead of constantly being IN your biz



Attract your DREAM CLIENTS

 Brainstorming content that creates a BIG impact and makes your audience scream "THIS IS ME!"

Getting clear AS FUDGE on who your dream audience really is so you can create irresistible offers that speak to their soul

Building + delivering the BEST 1-1 client help and support to become the GO-TO coach for your people



Plan + SELL OUT new launches

Mapping out your offers, SELL-OUT launches and new services to stay inspired and keep making an impact for your audience

Plan every inch of your biz to grow in a way that feels SO DREAMY, AUTHENTIC, and PURPOSEFUL

Creating your dream business on YOUR terms


Feel SO supported in your biz

You know I've got your back on EVERYTHING in your business.

I'll also be in your pocket every step of the way to give you feedback on your social media content, proofread your posts and sales pages, and my eyes and ears on your client support, bright ideas, and moments where you drop your power on whatever mindset struggles you’re facing within your business